1, 2, ..?

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I was asked...

1, 2, .. what comes after that?

is it necessarily '3' ?

what if after 1, 2, .. is '4' ?

Convention rationale would tell us that 1, 2, is followed by 3. In a series of number given, the pattern of the sequence is for us to identify and recognised. What is the rule that governs that then?

The patterns are perhaps all man made. A 'path' exist because people 'walked' it out. When a 'road' is being discovered and recognised, people will almost un-hesitately follow the flow. Its easy.

Can 1, 2 ,.. then be 4,..? Why not actually? It can be a 'additional kind of sequence' ie.

1, (1+1=) 2, (2+2=) 4,... so on and so forth..

Risk exist in almost every step. But there are infinite possibilities to be walked out and it requires one to step forward and venture into the discovery of the road less travelled or perhaps into the road not taken.

Is 1, 2, necessarily followed by 3? I don't think its necessarily so.

So, ' 1, 2, .. ' what comes after that?