Personality tests

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My Enneagram test results:

Having learnt about Maslow's hierarchy of needs,Carl Jung's personality type and some Freud's interesting theories, I often wonder where am I or rather what trait am I in. Am I an extrovert or introvert? Well, from the big 5 personality test I've just taken,my extroversion results suggest that i'm average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.Hmm..this sounds quite true to me.

Also, the test results suggested that my Global 5 Sloan Type Description is SLUAN, which comes with these descriptions:

often late, influenced more by others than self, easily frustrated, frequently driven to impress others, easily moved to tears(am i?), does not believe everything can be explained scientifically, fires back when someone hurts them(really??), not analytical, easily distracted, does not always know what they are doing, easy to get to know, easily impressed, easily influenced, rarely prepared, not controlling, prone to jealousy, not bothered by disorder, low self confidence, acts without hesitation, not self reflective, thinks fun is the most important thing in life, worrying, easily hurt(oh my goodness..really??), spontaneous, tense, high maintenance(huh?why?), not detail oriented, unpredictable, prone to attachment, not interested in science, not afraid to draw attention to self, anxious, does not know why they do some things, not strict with self, inexplicably happy some of the time, attentive to appearances, underachiever, bases goals on inspiration rather than logic, will do a lot to avoid rejection, swayed by emotions, uses acts of kindness to get closer to people (i dont think i understand myself)

and also primary type describe me as non-curious, which says:

does not used ideas and tools to transform understanding, not analytical, does not enjoy imaginatively playing with interconnections and patterns, underachiever(true), dislikes science fiction, weak connection to mind, does not look for hidden meaning in things, search for identity has not played a big role in their life, not nerdy(thank God..haha), more sensual than intellectual, not mystical, not big on art house movies, does not prefer technical careers (law, engineering, medicine-hmm, but i'm studying medic now..maybe i should re-evaluate & reconsider?..), not particulary introspective, not skilled at fixing things, not a loner

blink blink...well, frankly speaking i didn't know myself as what i'm suggested to be.Or am i? think i better do more self relflection though i'm suggested not to be self reflective...


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